We know that a successful school experience begins with a partnership between school and home. Our administration, faculty, and staff work hard to provide a positive school experience for our students, and we encourage you to take an active role in your child's education as well. We look forward to getting to know you better as we work as a team to create the best learning environment for your child. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We welcome your feedback!

Johnna Bruhn

Pat Copeland
Business Manager

Hilary Hawks

Christina Vigil
Special Education Director
Faculty and Staff

Pam Deal
MConnected Online Coordinator

Ginger Doherty
High School Teacher

Jerome Earl
High School EA, High School Teacher, Track Coach

Donna Hazen
High School Teacher

Amy Jackson
Pre-School Teacher

Derek Kellum
Director of Maintenance

Lori Lamb
Reading Intervention Specialist

Robert Libby
High School Teacher

Geneva Martinez
Elementary School Teacher, K–1st

Sherrie Ray
High School Teacher, FFA Advisor

Marie Shults
Special Education

Dawn Thomas
Elementary School Teacher, 4th–6th

Kristin Van Buskirk
Elementary Educational Assistant

Joanie Vance
High School EA

Shelly Worm
Elementary Teacher, 2nd–3rd
Support Staff

Lisa Davis
Accounts Payable

Margaret Green

Mary Laumbach
School Nurse

Bailey Roberts

Ryan Rodriquez